students say schools' sex education is antiquate
D.C. public high school students who participated
in focus groups on sexual health said they were unimpressed with the District's
sex education curriculum, do not trust the school nurses who are charged with
counseling them about disease prevention and disdain the brand of condoms
distributed by schools.
The students, particularly girls, said they were
too suspicious or embarrassed to talk to school nurses about sex or ask about
condoms. "It's like talking to your mom," one student said.
Those were some of the findings of a survey
conducted by the Error!
Hyperlink reference not valid., funded by the D.C. Council
Committee on Health, whose chairman, council member David A. Catania (I-At
Large), had a hearing on the issue Wednesday.
"This has never been done by a
committee," but "it's been an elephant in the room, an unaddressed
issue for years: What are we doing with respect to the sexual health of our
children? No one wanted to tackle it," Catania said.
The survey consisted of 10 focus groups totaling
about 250 high school students and was administered between April and this
month. Because of the survey's small sample of the system's 12,000 high school
students, the findings could not be generalized to represent that entire
Researchers said the participants' responses were
unusually frank and provided valuable insights into how to approach sexual
health and education for teenagers who think the curriculum is antiquated and
out of touch with their experiences.
Health officials said frank discussions about
sexual relationships are the foundation of sex education. But students surveyed
said the instruction they get doesn't address the real-life situations they
encounter, such as how to talk to a partner who constantly pushes for
unprotected sex.
Girls said they were unlikely to carry condoms for
fear of being labeled promiscuous.
Students had another reason for passing up the
free condoms available at school. Durex condoms, the brand widely distributed
by the Health Department under a contract, are considered lame and more likely
to pop or break, students said. They said they prefer Trojan or Magnum.
Youths "have very strong opinions about
particular brands of condoms," the researchers wrote. "These opinions
. . . factually correct or not, play an important role in a youth's decision to
use a product."
Students in the survey also said that school
nurses were "judgmental and untrustworthy," making it unlikely that
teens would seek their advice.
Researchers turned to a small focus group of six
nurses to determine whether there was evidence of a disconnect. In spite of a
contract that requires nurses to promote educational programs on STDs and
health, the researchers said, "there is a lack of clarity as to the role
of school nurses with respect to the delivery of sexual health
Nurses said that, with only 200 nurses in the
school system -- about one for every 245 students -- they have little time to
counsel students about anything. Researchers recommended that nurses and
teachers work with student leaders to determine how to engage their peers. For
example, text messages with sexual health information could be sent to
students' cellphones and advice could be stored and downloaded from a Facebook
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